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AstroCoaching Inner Child Reading

Rewire your subconscious behavior to become a super attractor.

  • 1 hour
  • 197 US dollars
  • Zoom, Skype, or Pre recorded

Service Description

In-depth analysis of your chart using the Moon and her interactions with your natal planet. We will take an in-depth look at your Moon chart and utilize it to identify where your most powerful subconscious beliefs come from. We go deep into inner child injuries, familial traumas, past life contracts, and awaken the should by healing and releasing negative patterns. From age 0-7 we operate a great deal from our Moon sign. These are the years we haven’t fully developed consciously and are downloading programs straight into our subconscious minds. Where the Moon is placed, represents the root of our subconscious beliefs. The areas these beliefs branch out to are the leaves. When we tend to the roots, it will have an affect on the entire system. We will be identifying the area of life that impacted your subconscious beliefs the most, whether positive or negative (even positive beliefs can produce negative results), we will look at the most influential people in your early programming, and bring conscious awareness to that area. I will provide you with either an NLP technique, tool, or exercise specific to your placement, should you want to work towards removing any beliefs not serving you or beliefs that may be producing a negative circumstance or emotion in your physical reality.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please email within 24 hours or you will be charged for complete reading.

Contact Details


Los Angeles, CA, USA

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