Monthly Horoscope
September 2020
Travel, eat, sleep, repeat!
Check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for a comprehensive astrology interpretation. Don't know your rising sign, check out my free birth chart calculator.
The month starts with a full moon in Pisces which lights up your 8th house of sexuality, finances, and occult. It’s time to stop partying and do some deep healing work. Oh you don’t need that you say, perfect you have an easy task, work on creating a budget. Check out my YouTube video on the Full Moon in Pisces.
On September 9th Mars goes retrograde and it’s going to be an introspective time for you as the Aries energy in your chart is asking you to settle some affairs in your 9th house of spiritual beliefs, travel, and wisdom. During this time you may put your foot in your mouth once or twice. It’s ok to stand up for what you believe in as long as you are not dogmatic about your ideals and beliefs.
Mid month Jupiter stations direct in your 6th house of work, health, and daily routines. Blessing are being rewarded in this house. Especially, if you have done the due diligence in the area of health. You daily grind may seem more upbeat and bring a sense of reward.
Full Moon in Pisces
On September 17th, there’s a new moon in Virgo in your 2nd house of finances will which mark a new beginning in the areas of personal resources and self care. Keep doing what you are doing.
Venus enters Leo after a long journey through your 12th house. You will feel magnetic and well deserved. Mars will also form a nice trine with Venus although retrograde. When Venus transits your first house you will feel attractive, energized, and sexy!
Love, Abundance, & Luck,