June 18, 2020 through July 15, 2020
14° Cancer through 5° Cancer

Mercury is retrograding the the cardinal waters of Cancer. Some interesting stuff is happening with this retrograde 😉 . It’s REDO time! Mercury rules our communication and Cancer rules our emotions an security. This retrograde is the last of the water sign retrogrades. When Mercury is Retrograde in water signs we are highly emotional and sensitive. Our communication will be more fluid and internalized to matters of family, self, and home. Mercury enters his Pre-Shadow stage on June 1, 2020. This stage is known as a preparing stage and the retro energy is gaining strength. We need to prepare for technical glitches, back up electronics, double check written communication, and set a routine. Mercury then goes stationary retrograde on June 14, 2020. Mercury is preparing to slow down in speed. He's such a trickster that he makes us believe he is transiting backwards in the sky (hence retrograde) but he's not. His orbit just slows down in speed (See picture).

Mercury then does his little dance and bam! #MercuryRetro. He slows down so he is in the state of confusion and retreat. Mercury also goes invisible during his transits which will be
happening on June 23, 2020 through July
Mercury retrograde is a redo energy. Thant means this is a great time to:

What makes you comfortable? Who makes you comfortable? Where are you the most happiest? Cancer is a very intuitive sign and mercury rules the intellect, matters of what feels right, moral, emotional well-being, and comforts will be at the forefront.
❤️ We can act on expressing our feeling or work on releasing stuck pain.
❤️ We can do some work around the house.
❤️ We can spend quality time with family
❤️ We can make mends with a family member or friend.
❤️ Shadow work, journaling, meditation
🧘🏻♀️ journal work, and me time.
Mercury will make contact with Jupiter and Pluto as an opposition which can intensify this aspect. Jupiter is an energy that amplifies and Pluto and energy that digs deep. Careful not to make a rash decision or blow things out of proportion. There will be some planets supporting this transit like Uranus in Taurus (sextile), Neptune in Pisces, and Mars in Pisces (trine) for the majority of his transit through Cancer. Neptune was last with Mercury retrograde when in Pisces. During that mercury retrograde the quarantine was planned behind the scenes and then announced when Mercury had just ended retrograde but in Post Shadow period. Shadow periods are known for energy of reflection and have the energy of a retrograde but more subtle. Mars in Pisces is giving us energy to continue working on what we are setting intentions to. Mars is also activating the Pisces Retrograde degrees of the last Mercury retro. This may be for good, as mars maybe cutting out some of the fog or confusion. When mars enters Aries, thats a whole other ball game. Stay tuned for that.
It’s all about our feelings and comforts. Stay humble and compassionate. We have been through some tough times as a collective. The time to really focus on what makes us happy, who makes us happy, and self development is now. Nurture the ❤️ heart.
Affirmation “Lead with the heart 💜and double check your concepts”.
Mercury retrograde crystals💎 to keep you grounded, high vibration 🧘🏻♀️, #ZenAF and #onpoint are hematite, lapiz lazuli, and more so check out my picture guide.
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